Podcasts Archive - Jennifer Griffith
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BOTH SIDES OF THEN: Finding Love After Abandonment

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About Your Mother

We all have a story to tell and they all begin with hers.

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About Your Mother

We all have a story to tell and they all begin with hers.


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Link to Writing About Suicide Authentically With JJ Elliott

Writing About Suicide Authentically With JJ Elliott

 Is there hope in loss? Yes. Absolutely. My conversation with copywriter turned novelist JJ Elliot is an exploration of her experience losing her mom to suicide, then having that open doors to her helping others. Subconsciously, the loss of her mom led to her novel about a group of women who lose a friend by…

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Link to When Cultures Collide

When Cultures Collide

Featuring Susan Blumberg-Kason

Immersing ourselves in a culture is exhilarating and can change our view of the world. What happens when you are an American marrying into a Chinese family? What could go wrong? Good Chinese Wife is a memoir that explores Susan Blumberg-Kason’s life integrating into a Chinese family and her thrilling search for agency. Meet Susan…

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Link to The Secrets We Carry

The Secrets We Carry

Featuring Adrienne Brodeur

Life changing conversations can happen at any time in our lives—but what if you are 14 and your mother reveals a secret that upends your adolescence and sends you on a decades long journey to untangle from the world she brought you in, the world you were happy to be a part of? Adrian Brodeaur’s…

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Link to Re-membering Oneself

Re-membering Oneself

Featuring Steph Jagger

This episode of About Your Mother is my conversation with Steph Jagger: a seeker, explorer, and writer. Her latest book, Everything Left to Remember, documents her adventure with her mother into the Rocky Mountains while they navigate the terrain of dementia and the meaning of remembrance. Steph’s life and work are as deep as the 4…

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Link to My Mother Next Door

My Mother Next Door

Featuring Diane Danvers Simmons

In this episode of About Your Mother, we hear the story of Diane Danvers Simmons, whose mother left and moved next door with three college men when Diane was sixteen years old. A successful businesswoman, mother, and stepmom, Diane was on a trip with her daughter when she heard she needed to forgive her mother,…

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Link to My Eponymous Fashion Line As A Love Letter to My Mother

My Eponymous Fashion Line As A Love Letter to My Mother

Featuring Olivia Joffrey

In the latest episode of About Your Mother, we have a conversation with Olivia Joffrey. Olivia owns an eponymous fashion line that serves as a love letter to her mother, Anne-Marie. Through osmosis, Olivia absorbed the colorful and artistic life that her mother has led — a life filled with sensory details, records, books, sand,…

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Link to My Mother Inspired Me To Build Platforms To Empower Women And Girls

My Mother Inspired Me To Build Platforms To Empower Women And Girls

Featuring Lauri Levenfeld

Our next guest for About Your Mother is Lauri Levenfeld. She is a playful spirit and has a never-ending commitment to the female voice. Jennifer and Lauri collaborated together in the past on projects, but most recently, Lauri debuted an award-winning film called Mad World. Using her distinctive eye and straightforward and real words, she…

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