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BOTH SIDES OF THEN: Finding Love After Abandonment

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About Your Mother

We all have a story to tell and they all begin with hers.

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About Your Mother

We all have a story to tell and they all begin with hers.


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Link to Writing About Suicide Authentically With JJ Elliott

Writing About Suicide Authentically With JJ Elliott

 Is there hope in loss? Yes. Absolutely. My conversation with copywriter turned novelist JJ Elliot is an exploration of her experience losing her mom to suicide, then having that open doors to her helping others. Subconsciously, the loss of her mom led to her novel about a group of women who lose a friend by…

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Link to The Girls Who Went Away

The Girls Who Went Away

Featuring Ann Fessler

Ann Fessler’s critically accompanied book, “The Girl Who Went Away,” gives voice to the millions of women forced to surrender their babies in the decades before Roe v Wade. As an artist and a teacher, listening to Ann tell her story feels like you are walking into a lecture hall about to learn something new,…

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Link to Aftermath Life in Post-Roe America

Aftermath Life in Post-Roe America

Featuring Elizabeth Hines

The subject of reproductive rights has taken center stage in our society. Still, many people don’t understand the tentacles those rights have in every corner of society or within most families. On this episode of About Your Mother is my conversation with writer and editor Elizabeth Hines, who spearheaded the recent anthology Aftermath: Life in Post-Roe America. Our…

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Link to The Baby Scoop Era

The Baby Scoop Era

Featuring Karen Wilson-Buterbaugh

In our new series, What Happened Then, AYM features stories from a part of our history unknown to many. Karen Wilson-Buterbaugh spent twenty years researching and writing The Baby Scoop Era. In 2007, Karen founded the Baby Scoop Era: Research, Education, and Inquiry (BSERI) organization to support millions of women forced to surrender their babies between 1945 and…

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Link to Re-membering Oneself

Re-membering Oneself

Featuring Steph Jagger

This episode of About Your Mother is my conversation with Steph Jagger: a seeker, explorer, and writer. Her latest book, Everything Left to Remember, documents her adventure with her mother into the Rocky Mountains while they navigate the terrain of dementia and the meaning of remembrance. Steph’s life and work are as deep as the 4…

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Link to The Art of Becoming

The Art of Becoming

Featuring Beth Broday

This episode of About Your Mother is my conversation with Beth Broday – a pioneer in producing who put music videos on the map beginning with Prince’s Little Red Corvette. Beth Broday is a storyteller and has mastered the art of Becoming. Throughout the various stages of work and life, she saw the lessons in…

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Link to Almost Innocent

Almost Innocent

Featuring Shanti Brien

On this episode of About Your Mother, we meet Shanti Brien, who has spent her career fighting for justice. Often, taking on the most complex cases where the rate of success is meager. When her husband’s company was under investigation, her career and personal life collided. Shanti Brien is a litigator and author. She is also the…

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Link to My Mother Next Door

My Mother Next Door

Featuring Diane Danvers Simmons

In this episode of About Your Mother, we hear the story of Diane Danvers Simmons, whose mother left and moved next door with three college men when Diane was sixteen years old. A successful businesswoman, mother, and stepmom, Diane was on a trip with her daughter when she heard she needed to forgive her mother,…

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Link to Writing My Secrets

Writing My Secrets

Featuring Amy Ferris

In this episode of About Your Mother, meet Amy Ferris. Amy is witty, brutally honest, talented, and regal, like Meryl Streep, and she looks like her too. Ruth Pennebaker of the New York Times described Amy’s memoir, Marrying George Clooney: Confessions from a Midlife Crisis”, as “poignant, free-wheeling, cranky, and funny. It is all those…

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